Herb Pharm
Herb Pharm
Herb Pharm
Herb Pharm
Wise Woman

Wise Woman Herbals
[Larger sizes may be available as a special order]

Product Name Botanical Name Plant Part(s) Extracted Grade Size Price Qty
Bitter Tonic compound C.O. 1oz $9.25
Bittersweet Elixer compound C.O. 2oz $12.85
Boswellia boswellia serrata resin 1oz $8.75
Bottoms Up Compound capsules 90/600mg $23.90
Bottoms Up Balm compound Yarrow, Marshmallow, St. John's Wort, Witch Hazel, Butcher's Broom, Vitamin E (soy based) in an Olive oil and Beeswax base
Bottoms Up Balm compound Yarrow, Marshmallow, St. John's Wort, Witch Hazel, Butcher's Broom, Vitamin E (soy based) in an Olive oil and Beeswax base
Bupleurum bupleurum chinense root 1oz $9.95
Candactive compound 1oz $10.35
Chelidonium celandine 1oz $9.50
Cilantro Compound compound 1oz $9.95
Circulatory Tonic compound 1oz $10.35
Coleus coleus forskohilii root 1oz $9.50
Coriandrum Sativum Compound cilantro leaves 1oz $9.50
Corydalis root 2oz $20.20
Elderberry syrup 2oz $15.60
Elderberry syrup 4oz $26.60
Eleuthero Solid Extract eleutherococcus senticosus 2oz $29.50
Eleuthero Solid Extract eleutherococcus senticosus 4oz $53.10
Female Tonic compound 1oz $10.80
Fiber Flow Capsules compound 120/625mg caps $22.35
GI Capsules compound 90/570mg caps $22.10
Goat's rue galega officinalis C.O. 1oz $9.95
Goat's rue galega officinalis C.O. 2oz $19.35
Gold Thread coptis chinensis root 1oz $9.25
Gum Guggal commiphora mukul resin 1oz $9.25
Gymnema Capsules compound 90/530mg caps $17.20
Gymnema sylvestre gymnema sylvestre leaf 1oz $8.75
Hawthorne Solid Extract crataegus oxyacantha 2oz $22.85
Hawthorne Solid Extract crataegus oxyacantha 4oz $39.85
Hematonic Blood Enhancer Compound/td> 2oz $17.20
Hepacap Capsules compound 90/550mg caps $21.75
Hepaglycerite compound 1oz $23.35
Joint Support Capsules compound 120/607mg $26.40
Kalmerite Glycerite Glycerite compound 1oz $23.35
Khella compound compound 1oz $11.25
Licorice Solid Extract glycyrrhiza glabra root 2oz $19.05
Licorice Solid Extract glycyrrhiza glabra root 4oz $37.85
Livixir compound 2oz $12.85
Liquid Serenity compound C.O. 1oz $23.35
Male Tonic compound C.O. 1oz $12.50
Mood Enhancer compound C.O. 1oz $11.25
Mother's Cordial compound W.C. 2oz $12.85
Mother's Lactaflow compound C.O. 1oz $11.00
Mother's Lactaflow compound C.O. 2oz $19.35
Mullein tincture Verbascum sp. C.O. 2oz $23.25
Nasosympatico Compound compound 1oz $8.55
Paracide Formula compound 1oz $9.95
Parietaria pellitory of the wall 1oz $11.00
Parietaria pellitory of the wall 2oz $20.20
Phytobiotic compound 60/776mg $16.50
Plantain tincture Plantago lanceolata 60/776mg $24.15
PMS compound compound 60/776mg $23.55
PSA Capsules compound 90/431mg $30.55
RA*OA Capsules compound 120/607mg $26.40
Red Raspberry rubus idaeus leaves C.O. 1oz $10.50
Rose Hips Solid Extract rosa spp.. hips C.O. 2oz $19.50
Saw Palmetto/Phygeum C.O. 1oz $11.20
Silybum Glycerite milk thistle C.O. 2oz $20.20
Slippery Elm ulmus fulva/rubra bark W.C. 1oz $9.50
Smokeless Compound compound 1oz $9.95
Stellaria chickweed C.O. 1oz $10.35
Sweet Dreams compound 1oz $25.60
Sweet Dreams compound 2oz $21.05
Symphytum comfrey C.O. 2oz $20.20
Taraxacum dandelion C.O. 2oz $19.35
Throat Mist compound 1oz $11.00
Throat Mist compound 2oz $21.05