Veltkamp begain painting as a way of relieving stress from his career
in the hi-tech industry. His boss gave him a gift certificate to
Seattle Art Supply. After that, he began to slowly teach himself
how to paint. Since then, he has worked in other mediums such as
ceramics, acrylics, oils and embroidery.
He has been showing at Lark for the past year and a half. Additionally,
he has shown at Atlas Foods, The Hi-Life Café, The Lee Center for
the Arts and Cupcake Royale. Later this summer, he has two shows
scheduled for Retrofit Home.
Joe's subject of choice has historically been flowers. People frequently
ask, "Why flowers?" To help explain, here is a passage from Tom
Robbins' Jitterbug Perfume. "Flowers do not see, hear, taste or
touch, but they react to light in a crucial manner, and they direct
their lives and their environment through an orchestration of aroma.
With an increased floral consciousness, humans will begin to make
full use of their "light brain" and to make more refined and sophisticated
use of their "smell brain". The two are portentously linked. In
fact, they overlap to such an extent that they may be considered
inseparable. We live now in an information technology. Flowers have
always lived in an information technology. Flowers gather information
all day. At night, they process it. This is called photosynthesis."
Joe Veltkamp welcomes this new age of floral consciousness. He feels
lucky to live in Seattle where we celebrate the synthesis of technology
and nature.
For more information, please visit